Multi-Experience Campaigns: Marketing From All Directions

In marketing, there is nothing more essential to your success than being seen by consumers and attracting their interests. One guaranteed way of achieving this is through multi-experience campaigns. Using this method, you are able to attract and develop relationships with the client while pitching your product in a way that uniquely attracts them. Through websites, email, mobile connections, regular mail, and events, it is highly unlikely that your company or product would go unseen.
A great deal of communication is done using the internet. It is for this reason that it has become essential to have a website for any growing or established company or organization. While printed advertisement can go a long way, the use of the internet is not only relevant, it also provides a convenient way for viewers to access your information at their convenience and via a variety of electronic sources. Because it is known that the average adult spends 8.5 hours of their day in front of a screen, email and websites are very likely to be seen. With a web page one can tell a great deal about a company’s services and products. Web pages afford companies the ability to furnish multi-layered presentations. A varying array of pages within the business’ website may introduce the company, provide a convincing argument as to why the consumer should choose your company, and ultimately sell your product.
Email has become a critical avenue for communication in the fast-paced world in which we live. People access email from their cell phones, tablets, desktops, laptops, and numerous other electronic devices making on-the-go email communication essential in maintaining a dialogue with the business’ current and future customers. Given the growing trend of people magnetizing to more portable devices email is a great way to access and grow a customer base. While one may pay little attention to an advertisement or pamphlet sent by mail, email communication thrusts itself directly onto the consumer in a familiar and comfortable manner. Customers can read it on their electronic devices while sitting on the train, going to work, or while relaxing during a coffee break.
How many times a day do you see a mobile phone being used? It is needless to say that it occurs a lot. Because many people have mobile phones it is prudent to use utilize this technology to reach consumers. Some ways in which mobile phones are used in marketing include SMS marketing, QR codes, and mobile-friendly websites. All the aforementioned avenues of communication can be used to target specific consumer groups; therefore, when considering a specific group, mobile marketing can be very useful.
For many years printing has been a reliable primary source of information for many. While the internet, email, and mobile communication are all very effective, print is also a great way to catapult your company’s product directly into the consumers’ view. It is sometimes the physical and visual imagery that leaves a lasting impression. Using various types of printing, your company can distribute its web page, email customers, and retrieve mobile information. It is in this context that printing not only serves as a proven method of reaching out to the people but it also serves as the backbone to the other methods of attracting customers.
As modern methods of communication continue to develop, mailing continues to reach the homes of many being equally as effective as it was in its prime. Although there is a great demand for electronic mail and notifications, there are also individuals who prefer paper to pixels. Many individuals not only enjoy receiving the items sent by mail, but it is through this distribution that you are able to develop a personal connection with the consumer.
Events are a great way to attract and get to know your consumer in ways you aren’t able to do through social media. Good old fashioned face-to-face communication skills will move the crowd. Through live events, not only are you able to tell more about your product, but you are also able to learn more about the consumer and reassess what avenue of advertising is best to attract that specific individual after understanding their values and needs.
Multi-experience marketing takes an ‘all around’ approach by using all frequented sources of media to reach the consumer. Through this you are able to decide the best way to contact and attract the target by building relationships and giving them the idea that this is not just a mass marketing project, but something personalized and catered specifically to them.
While websites, email, mobile connections, mailings, and events are all components of great marketing strategies, the ability to have all of these avenues produced with a single marketing and advertising partner is a wonderful advantage. With a single partner you can guarantee consistency among all of the avenues of advertising as well as consistency in quality. Along with these benefits, you can conveniently make a single stop at a company, such as Reynolds DeWalt, in order to meet all of your advertising needs.
Contributed by:
India Russell
Community Manager